ΣLab Members
A Multidisciplinary Team Working TOGETHER on Transdisciplanry Research
Tanghao LIU
Research Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Peking University 北京大學
B.S. Huazhong University of Science and Technology 华中科技大學
Specialty and Interest
Optoelectronic Devices
Mingwei HAO
PhD student
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Awardee HKPFS
M.S. Jilin Univeristy 吉林大學
B.S. Jilin University 吉林大學
Specialty and Interest
Materials Synthesis & Microscopic Characterization
Tong XIAO (starting Fall 2022)
PhD Student
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Awardee HKPFS
M.S. Xi'an Jiaotong University 西安交通大學
B.S. Chongqing University 重慶大學
Specialty and Interest
Optical Spectroscopy and Device Up-Scaling
PhD student
B.S. Shenzhen University 深圳大學
Specialty and Interest
Machine Learning & Data Nano-Analytics
Huanfeng HE (starting Fall 2022)
PhD student
M.S. Hubei University 湖北大學
B.S. South China University of Technology 華南理工大學
Specialty and Interest
Low-D Perovskites & Light Emission
Tianwei DUAN
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Ph.D. Shanghai Jiao Tong University 上海交通大學
M.S. Tongji University 同濟大學
B.S. Tongji University 同濟大學
Specialty and Interest
Chiral Semiconductors & Emerging Electronics
Zhongmin ZHOU
Visiting Research Fellow/Senior Researcher
Ph.D. Chinese Academy of Science 中科院化學所
Professor Qingdao University of Science and Technology 青島科技大學
Specialty and Interest
Synthetic Chemistry & Photovoltaics
Xinran XU
Visiting Student
B.S. Shandong University 山東大學
Specialty and Interest
Interdisciplinary Energy Research